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Imagination, Art, Culture, Peace, Climate, Human Rights, World.

A small, internationally focused project studio dedicated to sharing stories that examine the most important issues of our time, such as human rights, climate, peace and the role of imagination across all media.


How the site is organized:

The best way to think of the Skymachine website is as a series of introductions to the core projects of the studio, information on how to contact us, and where to find us on the web. There are four core areas we work in: visual art, code, the written word, and sound composition.

  • Rather than having a scannable portfolio, the art site is arranged by visual projects, ranging from paintings to award winning film and comic books. They’re all interelated, and show the breadth of our work over two and half years of art generation.

  • Many of our projects are being developed as games and interactive concepts, ranging from Text Games, 2D Platformers, and a 3D RPG in development. We also work with interactive apps and systems work.

  • A longtime composer and musician within recognition in the world wide experimental music community, in addition to work in sound effects and soundtrack work, the range of recordings, from released albums and downloads are linked to for all of the releases from our catalog.